ODI KICK 2018 will take place August 19-20 at the University of Minnesota Duluth. To register to attend, head to z.umn.edu/ODIKickoff
The ODI Kick-Off welcomes new first-year students of color and/or queer & trans+/gender nonconforming students to UMD and provides an introduction to support and resources available to students.
This program is free to participants & takes places during the two days prior to Welcome Week. Attendees will be provided food & are eligible to move in early.
An introduction to academic and co-curricular resources.
Presentations on campus life by staff in the ODI and current students.
Visits to local points of interest on campus and in Duluth community such as Canal Park or Enger Tower.
Creating a network of friends and participating in team and community building.
For questions or more information about the ODI Kickoff, contact [email protected] or [email protected]