Queer & Allied Student Union

QASU booth


The mission of the Queer and Allied Student Union is to celebrate the diversity and culture of the queer community, engage socially and recreationally to create a sense of belonging among members, educate ourselves and the campus community on issues pertinent to the lives of queer students, empower queer individuals and organizations, and advocate for inclusion, equality, and social justice, of all persons.

Executive Board

Chairperson: Alyssa K.

Financial Coordinator: Nish T.

Office Coordinator: Jace A. 

Programs Coordinator: Casi M.

Publicity Coordinator: Damyn H.

Co-Advisor: Erin Olson [email protected]

ODI Advisor: R.B. Brooks [email protected]

To contact the entire board and advisors, email [email protected]

The Qube

The Queer and Allied Student Union is one of the student organizations located in the Multicultural Center. The QASU has a physical office space in the Multicultural Center where students can hang out, decompress, and meet new people. The MC aims to enhance academic achievement, create a sense of belonging, celebrate diversity, and foster positive relations among UMD students, faculty and staff.

The MC is located on the 2nd floor of Kirby Student Center. The QASU cube is located past the front desk on the right and is the first cube on the left.


General meetings occur weekly. Check QASU’s social media for updates on location, topics, and other events.

Facebook Page: UMD Queer and Allied Student Union

Facebook Group (preferably for students): UMD QASU

Twitter: Queer_Allied_SU